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↓ The Armenian Tradition ↓

Music and Dance

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Culinary Specialties Carpets

Theatre Armenian Ancestral Life

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↓ The Armenian Theatre ↓

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↓ The Armenian Theatre in France from 1930 to 1948 ↓

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↓ Posters of the Theatrical Representations ↓

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Recto Poster of February 21, 1937 Representation of "Ouch Lini Nouch Lini"
(Let it be late, let it be good) and "Archin Mal Alan"

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Verso Poster of February 21, 1937 Representation of "Ouch Lini Nouch Lini"
(Let it be late, let it be good) and "Archin Mal Alan"

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Recto Poster of March 13, 1938 Representation
of "Gharabaghi Meliknere" ("The Meliks of Gharabagh")

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Verso Poster of March 13, 1938 Representation
of "Gharabaghi Meliknere" ("The Meliks of Gharabagh")

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Recto Poster of the January 24, 1943 Representation of "Sos et Varditer"

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Verso Poster of the January 24, 1943 Representation of "Sos et Varditer"

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Poster of the May 28, 1945 Representation of "Potorguen Vertch" ("After the Storm")

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↓ Artists Who Participated in the Various Representations ↓
Armenian theatre artists in France

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