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↓ Manuk Harutyunyan, Correspondent of ArmenTrad in Armenia ↓

Photo of Manouk

Contact by Wattsapp: 00 374 93 24 26 72
by phone (if you speak Armenian),
or by writing (message that he will translate).
Manuk will be happy to answer you.
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The musician Manuk Harutiunyan was born in Yerevan in 1959.

He is graduated from Yerevan Komitas National Music Conservatory.

As a performing musician and cellist, he directed his
interest towards the world of traditional Armenian
melodies, purely spiritual, "Komitasian" and popular.

He has conducted various orchestras and participated
in numerous international festivals and competitions.

He has given concerts in many countries (Switzerland, France,
Czechoslovakia, Russia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands,
Italy, Canada, Korea, India) as well as in many cities in Armenia.

Inspired by traditional national orchestras and their roots,
he created in 1985-1987 the five-stringed instrument "Manjut"
- which means the "Jut" of Manuk -, the "Jut" - Armenian
prototype of the European violin and viola -, as well as the
“Tavjut” - the Armenian correspondent of the European cello.

From 1992 to 2002, he worked at the National Conservatory
of Music "Komitas" as a specialist in traditional Armenian
musical instruments and played in the national orchestra.

As a specialist and restorer of Armenian musical instruments, he strives
at the same time to collect rare old musical instruments, vestiges of
the past,to restore them and give them new life and a new lease of life.

Master Manuk organizes on request visits to his “workshop-museum”,
giving presentations of traditional Armenian musical instruments for
children, young people and adults looking to learn about history of
ancient traditional instruments that have come down to us.

Manuk Haroutiunyan responds to invitations around the world, particularly
for meetings with children, schoolchildren, students and any interested
group, by presenting the history of the ancient origins of musical
instruments, as well as the strongly spiritual tunes of great historical
value with the musical instruments he newly created.

Master Manuk's mission is the preservation, the restoration,
the recreation of ancient musical instruments - very valuable
work so that they will be preserved and do not sink into oblivion.

The master is convinced from his experience that musical instruments
are like spiritual “weapons” which, by acting in the right place
and at the right time, save many human lives.